Community Groups

Welcome to the Riverview community groups page. Here you’ll be able to learn more about the groups meeting and organizing in our community.

Find community groups organizing to make our community a better place, and groups that meet regularly like clubs, exercise groups, or classes. This is a hub where people can get more involved with their community, or see some of the great things happening here in Riverview. 

If you have a community group you’d like added, or are an organizer for one of the community groups listed below and would like to make changes to your group’s info, please reach out by sending an email to Our definition of what defines a community group is very broad, so if you’re unsure if your group or organization qualifies, feel free to reach out.

Age Friendly Riverview

Age Friendly Riverview is a group of Riverview seniors working together to enhance Riverview as an Age Friendly Community. They have created a number of programs and activities that support older adults in sharing their ideas while respecting their knowledge and experience and supporting them in connecting with the community.  

Some current programs are:
(Click the program name for more info)

Some past events have been: 

  • Creative Writing for Older Adults
  • Repair Café
  • CRISP Lecture Series

Age Friendly Riverview has a board and recently hired a Co-ordinator to organize activities, thanks to a grant from New Horizons. If you would like to offer suggestions for activities or be involved in organizing an activity, they would love to hear from you.  

For 2023, there are plans for new CRISP lectures, an introduction to pickleball, exercises for older adults, and coffee and conversation.  They are designed for older adults but everyone is welcome.  Some activities have a small fee.  Watch for the times and dates on the Bugle, our website and the Riverview Community website.

Phone: 204-390-6668

Trees Riverview

Trees Riverview was formed in the spring of 2019 by some concerned residents to address the threat to our community tree canopy. Over the past several years they have worked together to secure tens of thousands of dollars to plant new trees in Riverview. Further efforts have included initiatives such as working with the city and volunteers to wrap trees to protect them from beaver damage and supporting local individuals throughout the process of donating to plant commemorative trees. In the fall of 2022, the group was able to help with the planting of 44 new trees and in the spring of 2021, they organized the planting of 55.

If you’d like to get involved with the organization or donate to have additional trees planted, you can email


Friends of Fisher Park

Friends of Fisher Park is best known for their annual fall park cleanup, but they do further work behind the scenes to ensure that the park is kept in good shape, like advocating for important park maintenance like regular hedge trimming.


We Are Rougers

We Are Rougers is a Facebook Group for Fort Rougers new and old to connect with the present community and reminisce about their shared history. The core group that started it all organizes big fundraising events twice a year to support local community organizations. Anyone with a Fort Rouge connection is welcome to join the Facebook Group, and support and connect with the community by coming to the annual winter social, or summer golf tournament.


Other Facebook Groups

If you’re on Facebook, you may want to consider joining these other Riverview-focused groups. It’s a great way to keep up to date with everything going on in our neighbourhood.

Riverview Community – Winnipeg:

Riverview Connection:

Lord Roberts & Riverview Communities:

Lord Roberts/Riverview Wpg CRIME WATCH: