Invitation to a Research Study!



This interview research aims to hear from people who are supporting older adults but have conflicted or uncertain feelings about this role. The goal is to broaden the range of voices in research on helping older adults and learn how they provide help and what advice they have for policymakers about caring for older adults at home or in the community.

Who can participate?

  • Are you a Winnipeg-area resident aged 18 or older?
  • Do you provide support to older family members or friends, or are you listed as someone’s home care program ‘backup’? 
  • Do you sometimes have conflicted, reluctant or ambivalent feelings about this role, about your relationship with the person you support or about your ability to help? 
  • Are you interested in sharing your thoughts about this experience?

What is involved?

You are invited to participate in a voluntary individual interview to discuss your thoughts on helping older family members or friends in your community. The interview can be conducted online or in-person, and will take about 1-2 hours. The interview will be audio recorded and transcribed, but your name and identifying information will be removed. We can provide a bus ticket or a parking pass for the interview as well. You will be one of about 10 participants in Winnipeg.

How to connect with us:

This study is being conducted by researchers across Canada, led by Dr. Laura Funk (University of Manitoba). Professor Funk and research assistants (PhD student Rachel Dunsmore and undergraduate Maryem Zahra) are collecting data in Winnipeg. If you choose to participate or have more questions, please contact Laura Funk at or 204-474-6678.