Registrations are now open for 2023

Join us for a summer of fun doing crafts, playing games, enjoying the swimming pool, and participating in community outings. Our camp space is full of toys, books, games, and craft supplies for kids to enjoy during free play.

  • Camp will be open to children 5-12 years old.
  • Camp will run Monday – Friday.
  • Camp programming will be from 9AM-4PM. The drop-off period will begin at 8AM and the pick-up period will end at 5PM.
  • On most days the wading pool is open, the children will have the option to swim.
  • We will be capping our weeks at 30 campers.
  • One normal week of camp is $140, and the August long weekend is only four days so it’s $115.
  • Camp will be run out of the hall and basement.
  • We will have small neighbourhood outings around the community during most weeks.
  • Children must be able to use the bathroom without assistance.
  • Registrations for respective weeks will close the Thursday before.
  • You will receive an email the Thursday before the start of camp with a list of supplies and further guidance about how the week will be run.

If your child is sick, please keep them home till they are symptom-free, or they will be sent home.

We offer weekly themes for our camps, such as magic, science, movies, or nature, just to name a past few, but we haven’t yet reached a final decision about this summer. We try to stay flexible since the age group and size of the group can vary so much week by week, so we try to cater our camps to what that week’s group of campers seems interested in, whether that’s more free time, more organized games, or more time outside. 

A typical day looks something like this:

8:00-9:30 free play during drop off period

9:30-10:30 outside on the playground

10:30-11:00 snack time

11:00-12:00 craft

12:00-1:00 lunch

1:00-2:30 wading pool and playground

2:30-3:00 snack time

3:00-4:00 organized games

4:00-5:00 free play during pick-up period

Most Wednesdays we will go to fisher park in the mornings to play field games and to play with our slacklines, ninja obstacle course, parachute, bubbles, ribbons and more.

Most Thursdays we plan to have a special afternoon where we do water activities like squirt guns, water balloons, slip n’ slide, sprinklers, bubbles, and chalk.

Most Fridays afternoons we will do a community-wide scavenger hunt that ends at a local playground with surprise Slurpees.

This is subject to change, and is dependent on the weather, and if we have other special activities already planned for the week. We try to spend lots of time outside, but if it rains, we may stay inside and watch a movie on the projector.

The schedule below is subject to change:

July 4-7
Camp will not be held Monday on account of the Canada day long weekend, but this week will also cost less

July 10-14

Week 3
July 17-12

Week 4
July 24-28

Week 5
July 31-August 4

Week 6
August 8-11
Camp will not be held Monday on account of the August long weekend, but this week will also cost less

Week 7
August 14-18

Week 8
August 21-25

Week 9
August 28-Sept.1

We are hoping to have one or two weeks this summer which will include optional Thursday+Friday afternoon trips for kids 9+ to the canoe/kayak club’s summer camp. We will share the dates when and if these are finalized.

We are hoping to have a week where every morning the Sustainable South Osborne Community Co-op will be guiding us through their gardens. We’ll be participating in activities and learning about how a garden grows.

Please email with any questions.

When needed, subsidized funding will be made available to help provide the opportunity for a fun summer camp experience for everyone. If you think this sounds right for you, please reach out to us to discuss further details, at

Cancellation Policy

Full refunds will not be available to those making cancellations less than 2 weeks before their start date, and partial refunds will be subject to the discretion of the general manager.

Jr. Counsellors

Our Jr. Counsellors program will be open this year for volunteers ages 13-16. To apply, send an email to with the weeks you’re interested in, and we’ll set up an interview. Registration will be completed in person at the centre.

Special Accommodations

If your child requires special accommodations, please contact us beforehand so we can ensure that we’re set up to best serve their needs for that week. Send an email, at

Summer camp space from 2021. This year we’re using a similar setup, with the addition of more fun stations, like a Lego table, a library/board game area, and more.